Giant Sant Singh ji Maskeen --- panth Ratan
I got an opportunity to meet him when he came to Bangalore,India in Nov.,2004. That was the first time I got to see him doing katha. I thought of clearing my doubts regarding Sikhi as nobody had so far given me a satisfactory answer to my questions. He was staying there for around three -four days. I was confused...should I approach him or not ?..... finally, I went to his room after sunday night program(around 11.30 pm), he was really tired and there were some people also in his room.... he told me to come sometime in the morning as he was already in conversation with some one else.... Usually I get up late in the morning and I had to go to work also, so again I came at the sametime next day along with a friend. He again told me to come in the morning as he was really tired. In short, I could not meet him and he left bangalore. Next year, in feb. 2005, he left his body for heavenly abode. I felt very bad as I lost a golden opportunity of clearing my doubts......
I wanted to know like .... What will become of the Sikhs in future as we are continuously moving away from the path of Gurmat... what will become of the sacrifices made by Gurus and the Sikhs in the past?..... How can the sacrifices made go futile?........
Anyways...I would talk about what I learnt from the Katha of Maskeen Ji. I didnt know before that Guru Nanak Dev ji has explained the creation of the universe. He explained the shabad as (I dont remember exactly..just giving a vague explanation).... When there was no universe, there was nothing except the great Lord(waheguru)... His will only prevailed... There was mist all around, no day and night....and then the great lord created the universe with the emergence of light(sound).......
He also told that while doing the katha about this shabad in USA, one of the people in the sangat was a scientist in some organisation(probably NASA), and the scientist told him..that what he has explained in the katha, exactly same has been discovered by the scientists and he took him to the research organization to show him a video...... Gianiji told ..he was amazed to see that what Guru Nanak Dev Ji had said so many years ago, these people are finding now. The video showed the mist was everywhere and with a bang, the universe was created ( Probably the video was about big bang theory). Gianji said, he went to see the video two-three times.
According to the theory propounded by Guru Nanak, theuniverse did not come into existence by itself. The Creator createdit.77Guru Nanak regards the Creator as the Prime Mover and callshim SAT ( cosmic consciousness).78 Sat is like the plant inthe seed which is always present but not apparent. Just as the seedgerm expands into a big tree so does Sat expand itself and causethe creation. Sat itself is primal and unborn therefore thebeginning and the end of the universe are beyond humancomprehension.According to Guru Nanak, the creation sprouted fromSunn79 (void, nothingness, vacuum) in which the creator (Sat)existed. “In the Primal Void, the Infinite Lord assumed HisPower. He Himself is unattached, infinite and incomparable. HeHimself exercised His creative power, and He gazes upon Hiscreation from the primal void. He formed the void and from thisprimal void, He fashioned air and water. He created the universeand the consciousness in the fortress of the body. His lightpervades fire, water and souls. His Power rested in the primalvoid. (AGGS P. 1037)80
“From this primal void, came the moon, the sun and theearth. His light pervades all the three worlds. The Lord of thisprimal void is unseen, infinite and immaculate; He is absorbed inthe primal trance of deep meditation. From this primal void, theearth and the intergalactic ethers were created. He supports themwithout any visible support, by exercising His true power. Hefashioned the three worlds,81 and the illusion of Maya; He Himselfcreates and destroys.” (AGGS P. 1037)82Guru Nanak believed that the Lord instilled his creativepower in the world so that the creation continues until He stopsit.83 The Guru says, “Innumerable creators are busy in creation allthe time producing forms of great beauty, adorned and dressed inmany colours. There are so many worlds and lands for workingout their assigned tasks.” (AGGS p.7)84 There appear to be threedistinct functions that the Lord continually performs through Hiscreation. The Guru says, “From the absolute Lord emanated threefunctions one of creation, another of sustenance and third ofdestruction. He causes the creation to perform these functions asHe desires.” (AGGS p. 7)85Guru Nanak’s theory was not without critics. It wasscathingly criticised by the Sidhas (wandering Hindu saints). The
Guru himself recorded their criticism for posterity in hiscomposition Sidh Gosht (debate with Sidhas). (For a fuller debatethe reader should refer to Sidh Gosht in the Guru Granth Sahib).Here are some of the issues the Sidhas raised.Question: “Where did the undisturbed void come from?”(AGGSp. 943) What is your view of the origin of creation and where didthe void exist? 86 (AGGS P. 940)Answer: “The beginning is draped in wonder and the void existedever and ever in Him.”87 (AGGS P. 940) “For a long time Heremained by Himself. For another long period He existed in void.After this He existed for a long time in indescribable darkness.Then He made Himself manifest through His creation”. (AGGS p.1081) 88Question: “Where did the creation come from, where is it goingand where did it remain before existence?”89Answer: - The creation takes shape through His Word90; itdisappears through His will and exists in Him only as long Hedesires it to exist.The process of development and evolution is explained inthe Sikh scriptures in Raag Maru (AGGS p.1034) through a longhymn of 48 lines.
“In the beginning there was indescribable darkness91Neither the earth nor the sky existed;Only His unfathomable Will92 prevailed.The sun and the moon were not there,The night and the day had not taken shape.The Lord alone existed in His meditative undisturbed mood.There was no source of life, neither wind nor water,Neither creation nor destruction.The infinite Lord sustained the void with His own device.He was detached and unlimited.He had Himself created void out of void.This He does and enjoys” (P. 1034-35)According to the Sikh Gurus the above mentioned,“Indescribable darkness lasted for many ages” (AGGSp.1034).93Then the Lord wished to create and at “His commandthe universe came into existence” (AGGS p.1003).94
I got an opportunity to meet him when he came to Bangalore,India in Nov.,2004. That was the first time I got to see him doing katha. I thought of clearing my doubts regarding Sikhi as nobody had so far given me a satisfactory answer to my questions. He was staying there for around three -four days. I was confused...should I approach him or not ?..... finally, I went to his room after sunday night program(around 11.30 pm), he was really tired and there were some people also in his room.... he told me to come sometime in the morning as he was already in conversation with some one else.... Usually I get up late in the morning and I had to go to work also, so again I came at the sametime next day along with a friend. He again told me to come in the morning as he was really tired. In short, I could not meet him and he left bangalore. Next year, in feb. 2005, he left his body for heavenly abode. I felt very bad as I lost a golden opportunity of clearing my doubts......
I wanted to know like .... What will become of the Sikhs in future as we are continuously moving away from the path of Gurmat... what will become of the sacrifices made by Gurus and the Sikhs in the past?..... How can the sacrifices made go futile?........
Anyways...I would talk about what I learnt from the Katha of Maskeen Ji. I didnt know before that Guru Nanak Dev ji has explained the creation of the universe. He explained the shabad as (I dont remember exactly..just giving a vague explanation).... When there was no universe, there was nothing except the great Lord(waheguru)... His will only prevailed... There was mist all around, no day and night....and then the great lord created the universe with the emergence of light(sound).......
He also told that while doing the katha about this shabad in USA, one of the people in the sangat was a scientist in some organisation(probably NASA), and the scientist told him..that what he has explained in the katha, exactly same has been discovered by the scientists and he took him to the research organization to show him a video...... Gianiji told ..he was amazed to see that what Guru Nanak Dev Ji had said so many years ago, these people are finding now. The video showed the mist was everywhere and with a bang, the universe was created ( Probably the video was about big bang theory). Gianji said, he went to see the video two-three times.
According to the theory propounded by Guru Nanak, theuniverse did not come into existence by itself. The Creator createdit.77Guru Nanak regards the Creator as the Prime Mover and callshim SAT ( cosmic consciousness).78 Sat is like the plant inthe seed which is always present but not apparent. Just as the seedgerm expands into a big tree so does Sat expand itself and causethe creation. Sat itself is primal and unborn therefore thebeginning and the end of the universe are beyond humancomprehension.According to Guru Nanak, the creation sprouted fromSunn79 (void, nothingness, vacuum) in which the creator (Sat)existed. “In the Primal Void, the Infinite Lord assumed HisPower. He Himself is unattached, infinite and incomparable. HeHimself exercised His creative power, and He gazes upon Hiscreation from the primal void. He formed the void and from thisprimal void, He fashioned air and water. He created the universeand the consciousness in the fortress of the body. His lightpervades fire, water and souls. His Power rested in the primalvoid. (AGGS P. 1037)80
“From this primal void, came the moon, the sun and theearth. His light pervades all the three worlds. The Lord of thisprimal void is unseen, infinite and immaculate; He is absorbed inthe primal trance of deep meditation. From this primal void, theearth and the intergalactic ethers were created. He supports themwithout any visible support, by exercising His true power. Hefashioned the three worlds,81 and the illusion of Maya; He Himselfcreates and destroys.” (AGGS P. 1037)82Guru Nanak believed that the Lord instilled his creativepower in the world so that the creation continues until He stopsit.83 The Guru says, “Innumerable creators are busy in creation allthe time producing forms of great beauty, adorned and dressed inmany colours. There are so many worlds and lands for workingout their assigned tasks.” (AGGS p.7)84 There appear to be threedistinct functions that the Lord continually performs through Hiscreation. The Guru says, “From the absolute Lord emanated threefunctions one of creation, another of sustenance and third ofdestruction. He causes the creation to perform these functions asHe desires.” (AGGS p. 7)85Guru Nanak’s theory was not without critics. It wasscathingly criticised by the Sidhas (wandering Hindu saints). The
Guru himself recorded their criticism for posterity in hiscomposition Sidh Gosht (debate with Sidhas). (For a fuller debatethe reader should refer to Sidh Gosht in the Guru Granth Sahib).Here are some of the issues the Sidhas raised.Question: “Where did the undisturbed void come from?”(AGGSp. 943) What is your view of the origin of creation and where didthe void exist? 86 (AGGS P. 940)Answer: “The beginning is draped in wonder and the void existedever and ever in Him.”87 (AGGS P. 940) “For a long time Heremained by Himself. For another long period He existed in void.After this He existed for a long time in indescribable darkness.Then He made Himself manifest through His creation”. (AGGS p.1081) 88Question: “Where did the creation come from, where is it goingand where did it remain before existence?”89Answer: - The creation takes shape through His Word90; itdisappears through His will and exists in Him only as long Hedesires it to exist.The process of development and evolution is explained inthe Sikh scriptures in Raag Maru (AGGS p.1034) through a longhymn of 48 lines.
“In the beginning there was indescribable darkness91Neither the earth nor the sky existed;Only His unfathomable Will92 prevailed.The sun and the moon were not there,The night and the day had not taken shape.The Lord alone existed in His meditative undisturbed mood.There was no source of life, neither wind nor water,Neither creation nor destruction.The infinite Lord sustained the void with His own device.He was detached and unlimited.He had Himself created void out of void.This He does and enjoys” (P. 1034-35)According to the Sikh Gurus the above mentioned,“Indescribable darkness lasted for many ages” (AGGSp.1034).93Then the Lord wished to create and at “His commandthe universe came into existence” (AGGS p.1003).94
About a year ago, I borrowed some tapes from my mom. Three of them happened to be from Sant Maskeen Singh Ji. I listened to the tapes, translation of Japji Sahib and was just uplifted to a another level. I really loved the simplicity and analogy in everyday life that he described in the katha. All my life I kind of looked at Sants and Babas with a suspicion because of media portrayl, but it removed some of those doubts when I listened to the tapes. I wish I had the whole set of those tapes. I did not know that he passed away. That is a big loss for Sikh community! Sikhs need more and more people and Panth Ratans like him.
Do you know where can I get a CD or a whole set of tapes of his Japji Sahib Katha?
If I get one, I would send you. In india, you can probably find it in any Sikh Video Shop.
I bought it from Gur Bangla Sahib shops in Delhi..It is produced by the music company Amrit Vani
Additionally I will say that dont worry about Sikhi losing out with thetrends of today.. Evolution means the weaker ones are left behind and stronger ones carry on. This does not mean that sehajdharis will not achieve their goal. Getting into Sikhi and becoming an abhyasi , following Guru Nanak's path, realising the divinity in oneself is the most important. We will ahev to go far beyond religion ( dharam khand )as its then Gyan Khand, then Karam Khand then Saram Khand and only then Sach Khand..All the best my brethren. May Satguru lead us all through to the Ultimate.
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